

Procedures Provided

Cervical Epidural Steroid Injection

This type of injection is a simple, safe, and effective non-surgical treatment that involves the injection of a steroid medication intended to reduce inflammation and ultimately, relieve pain in the neck, shoulders and arms.  Performed by an interventional pain management specialist, this is a minimally invasive technique used to relieve a variety of painful conditions, including chronic pain.  

Cervical Facet Joint Injection

This type of injection can be helpful for pain in the head, neck, shoulder and arms due to injury, arthritis or mechanical stress.   A mixture of numbing medicine and anti-inflammatory cortisone is injected slowly into the joint to reduce inflammation, which will then provide pain relief.

Cervical Medial Branch Block

This type of injection involves introducing a strong local anesthetic on the medial branch nerves that supply the cervical facet joints. This pattern of pain is usually an achiness in the neck, with slight radiation across the neck and shoulders, and worsening symptoms with turning the head from side to side, or looking up. 

Cervical Medial Branch Neurotomy

The medial branch nerves that supply the facet joints carry pain signals to the spinal cord, and then these signals travel to the brain. The brain interprets the signal, and you feel pain. This procedure is designed to block the nerves from sending the signals to your brain by identifying these nerves and cauterizing them.


Epidural Block

The Epidural block is an injection of long lasting steroid in the Epidural space to decrease inflammation of the nerve roots, hopefully reducing the pain in the neck, shoulders and arms. The epidural injection may help the injury to heal by reducing inflammation.

Epidural Injection, Epidural Steroid Injection

An Epidural Injection (ESI) is the delivery of powerful anti-inflammatory medicine directly into the epidural space, which is the area outside of the sac of fluid around your spinal cord. Florida residential cleaning is done properly if done by highly skilled cleaners.  A mixture of steroid and numbing medicine is injected into the area. This medicine decreases swelling and pressure on the larger nerves around your spine and helps relieve pain.

Facet Blocks

A facet block is a procedure to reduce inflammation and block pain. A small needle is inserted into a facet joint that is believed to be damaged or inflamed. The physician then injects a mixture of a local anesthetic and time-release steroid medication to numb the joint, reduce inflammation and block pain.

Radio Frequency Ablation RFA

Radio frequency ablation (or RFA) is a procedure intended to reduce pain. A radio wave produces an electrical current to heat up a small area of nerve tissue to decrease pain signals from that specific area.

Sacroiliac Joint Injections

Sacroiliac (SI) joint injections can reduce painful inflammation in the SI joints, which are located at the base of the spine. While these two small joints don’t move much, they are responsible for absorbing the forces generated by the upper body and transferring the balance and weight to the legs. 

Sacroiliac Joint Block Injections

This type of block injections are used to provide temporary relief for pain and from symptoms associated with sacroiliac joints, which connect the sacrum (lower spine) to the interior edges of the ilium of the pelvis.

Shoulder Joint Block

A shoulder joint block is done where a local anaesthetic and a steroid is injected into the muscle in the region where the dysfunctioning nerve passes through the muscles. The anaesthetic immediately dulls the pain, providing instant relief to the patient. The cortisone will then kick in to sooth the nerves and inflammation.

Shoulder Suprascapular Nerve Block

This type of nerve block is often utilized for pain caused by bursitis, rotator cuff tendonitis and tears or ruptures to any of the four tendons. Shoulder instability and dislocation can result in nerve pain and loss of function in the shoulder.  This block involves the injection of a nerve-numbing agent.

Facet Joint Injections

Facet joint injections combine a mixture of a local anesthetic and a corticosteroid anti-inflammatory medication. This injection relieves both pain and inflammation coming from the involved joint. A successful result supports the diagnosis that the facet joint is indeed the “pain generator” and the cause of your back pain.

Facet Block

This procedure is designed to isolate and confirm the source of pain with the patient by injecting local anesthetics into one or more of the small joints aside each vertebrae of the spine.

Facet Joint Injection

A facet joint injection is a minimally invasive procedure that involves an injection of a corticosteroid and an analgesic-numbing agent into the painful joint.

Joint Injections

This is a non-surgical procedure where an injection is made straight into the painful joint.

Knee Injections

This is a procedure that is designed to lesson pain and inflammation.  In some instances, fluid is actually removed from the knee first to make room for the injection.

 Lumbar Facet Joint Injection

The is an injection of local anesthetic and/or steroids into the facet joint in the lower back.  It can provide relief from pain if the facet joint is the cause of the symptoms of their back pain.

Lumbar Medial Branch Block

A lumbar medial branch block is a simple procedure for diagnosing and treating low back, buttock, hop and groin pain.

Radiofrequency Lesioning

This is a procedure in which special needles are used to create lesions along selected nerves. The needles heat the nerve enough so that they stop carrying pain signals.